Monday, January 11, 2010

Bulk Diapers Where Can I Buy Bulk (disposable) Diapers In Ontario?

Where can I buy bulk (disposable) diapers in Ontario? - bulk diapers

That does not bother me to order online, but I have a credit card.


elizabit... said...

In'm not sure where you live in Ontario, but here are some stores that sell are:

N diapers kidswear OUTLET
This company specializes in providing wholesale prices for diapers and you can better prices when buying in bulk. Here you will find many major brands for children in diapers, clothing and accessories, including the Advent and Kushi.

Address: 4800 Sheppard Avenue East, Scarborough, Ontario M1S 4N5 (east of McCowan Road)
Phone: (416) 615-1636
Open: Mon to Thurs 10 to 6.30, Sat 11-6, Sunday closed.
Fri 10-8 (closed 1-3) for lunch;

LAYERS ETC Outlet Stores
They are a variety of baby products you'll find diapers, clothing, car seats, strollers, bottles, slippers, socks, creams, powders and much more. Enjoy your bulk diapers and wipes.

Address: 7 Stafford Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6W 1L3
Phone: (905) 450-1955
Open: Mon to Fri 9 to 8, SA 9-6, Sun 10.5


Address: 734 Kipling Avenue, Etobicoke, Ontario M8Z 4Z7
Phone: (416) 503-0313
Open: Mon to Fri.9 - 8, SA 9-6, Sun 10.5

lu4one said...

You can buy in almost every case, Costco, Zellers, Super Store ...... Pampers and Huggies with the case

devils'l... said...

I'm not sure what your version is easy, but if you want to do is to save money (not everyone?), I suggest that shifts with the Just Kids. You can in grocery Dominion of Canada (I in Toronto, Ontario am) will be acquired.

With my first son, who is only 3, I started with Pampers, but it rose to children when he about 6 months. They work just as well, but are much cheaper.
They come in sizes 1 to 6, and Training Pants.
Pampers approximately $ 22 per bag, and all the children are just a bag of $ 16 or $ 35 for a box.

The amount you receive in the bag / box depends on the size of the eruption.

Well, I use my youngest son is 4 months old.

My two children are heavy and wet these layers from the test every time!

mattysmo... said...

EBAY-U test is a referral for their great efforts

fanaa said...


izuma4 said...

Check Cosco or Sam's Club

yousexyt... said...

Have you tried Sams Club, Costco and BJ's Wholesale?

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