Where can i get a hamster cage online? - gourmet trail mix
I want nothing to track errors. I was very simple. Since only a plastic base and top of the wire. Many of the floor area.
I am a very artistic and I want to improve myself in the cage. I have a hamster in a cage half now, but I'm tired of all the tubes and complicated things.
I just purchased in advance for a whole range of new supplies hamsters
new water bottle
Meals again
Chewing Sticks
chew blocks
Hideaway House
Chinchilla Sand
Spoilsport scooper
Treatment of fruits, scented sticks
Packet of sunflower seeds unsalted
5 lbs Kaytee Hamster Food
Ball run
Trac Ham
10 balls Aspen Bedding
Vitamin drops
And that's on my head!
So, basically, "Where can I find a cage with plenty of living space?
I love my hamster, I can not help but spoil! =]
eBay and Amazon are always options
If you do not want to make your own, than it is.
all the cages, they now seem very small, loaded in plastic and / or tubes.
You are probably better our own reality: they work too much
Chicken wire, cat litter Tary (or even dog basket), shelves, cabinets, a children's pool, plastic, small cabins, tanks (High Wire), storage tanks ...
You can use anything as long as your hamster-SAFE
http://www.krizka.net/wp-content/uploads ...
http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Art ...
(which is pretty strange) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OVJj4UaLbrk/R1 ...
http://www.nyahalcyon.net/wp-content/upl ...
http://media.photobucket.com/image/hamst ...
that is exactly what we have! an aquarium with a cage "from above". You can also tops at PetSmart. have adapted, so that our hamsters to enter a large courtyard, where the rooms ... what a great idea.
Even Google is "Hamster" and get an excellent idea for the cages.
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